从都国际论坛|记者提前探!这场高级别论坛从广州到西班牙 还是熟悉的“国际范儿”

时间:2024-12-14 00:19:15人气:8274来源: 触电新闻

视频:从都国际论坛|记者提前探!这场高级别论坛从广州到西班牙 还是熟悉的“国际范儿”

       “2024从都国际论坛”于12月11日至12日在西班牙首都马德里召开。本届论坛以“共同行动 共创未来”为主题,是论坛创立以来首次在海外召开。
       距离开幕式倒计时1天,Daily Bae记者带你探访“从都国际论坛”马德里峰会现场,了解论坛筹备情况,提前剧透本届论坛的众多亮点。
From December 11th to 12th, 2024, the "2024 Imperial Springs International Forum (ISIF)" is held in Madrid, Spain. 
From China to Spain, from Guangzhou to Madrid, the Imperial Springs International Forum has for the first time been held outside China, marking a significant milestone.
One day before the opening ceremony, Daily Bae reporter takes you to scroll through Eurostars Madrid Tower, the event venue to find out how the preparations are going. 
       摄像:高欣 陈勇