More cargo transported between China, SE Asia

时间:2023-04-03 16:09:41人气:3549来源:

Nearly 200,000 containers were transported on freight trains on a cross-border land-sea route between January and March, a year-on-year increase of 11.7 percent, China Railway Nanning Group said.

The cargo traveled on the Western Land-Sea New Corridor, a multi-mode passage from western China to Southeast Asia.

According to the group, more freight trains are planned for the second quarter of this year when around 16 trains are scheduled to operate daily on the route.

Since March 31, freight trains from Yulin to Tieshangang Port in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region have been running at 90 kilometers per hour and capacity at Tieshangang Port has increased by 20 percent, boosting transport efficiency.

Main imports via along the route include pulp, tapioca starch and copper concentrate from Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. Auto parts, motorcycle parts and generator parts from Sichuan, Guangxi and Chongqing are exported via the route.